Cicarelli Bruce

  • Cicarelli Bruce

Bruce Ciccarelli’s music has drawn comparisons to the sounds of Neil Young and Cat Stevens. After spending over 10 years on the indy rock circuit , he has returned to his acoustic ballad roots and put his efforts towards his own solo career dealing with the purity of the sound that comes from the acoustic guitarist and his voice where a song must be able to stand on it’s own. Bruce's debut CD - Finding id , is a collection of songs that reflects our common journey; a journey to find ourselves. Born in St.Catharines , Ont, and now living in Cornwall , Ont. he is a seasoned veteran with over 2 decades of music experiences, fine tuned in churches, choirs, rock bands, studios and as a producer to several local artist who record in his home studio.

What to expect at a gig ?

In pubs, you’ll be entertained with a highly energetic performance of a variety of songs from the 60’s through to the present. Some are classic rock and folk, some are top 40, some are “huh – I wasn’t expecting that but it was really cool” and some are simply “ ahhhhhh – I haven’t heard that song for awhile”.

For original music , he will capture you in a different way - through an original style of soothing vocals, thoughtful lyrics and an atmosphere that can only be captured by an artist alone with his guitar. He has a different philosophy in his songwriting style.

Music touches our emotions. Emotions are the language of the soul.

Songs have many dimensions which may touch us; the voice, the melody, the musical arrangement, the lyrics or simply the way the whole song makes us feel. Whatever intangible quality permeates your being, it is my hope that you allow yourself to be touched at this deeper level, beyond the physical confines of this costume that we call a body. When the spirit harmonizes with the body, we become whole.

first CD – Finding id , is more in the style of “spiritual ballads” focused on that journey to find our(inner)selves. With cdbaby , I can truly say that I am an INTERNATIONAL artist as I have made sales through downloads or physical Cds in Japan, Netherlands, Rio, USA , Canada and many others.

new CD - Beyond the Illusion – The life you live and the reality you experience is all a creation in your mind. So, your life is an illusion. A complex circuitry of neural pathways and social programming shape the way you choose to interpret the external matrix around you. This does not make you powerless, in fact, it makes you powerful! Each new moment brings us an infinite number of combinations and permutations to experience. All we need to do is choose. Your life can change in your next thought.
